Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

This Sunday, there's a can't miss event. Unfortunately, it's across town at Cinefamily and starts exactly when the event I'm now attempting to promote ends! Oh, well, I'm pretty sure my parents will still show. Come one, come none--there may not be another event like it for quite a while.

Printmaker Jordan Rae sent me this lo-fi work-in-progress photo this morning; he's printing a black velvet poster out of my salute to Successories. The remaining black flocked portion runs along the lines of an elementary school glitter and Elmer's project. Jordan explained he has to add black shavings to a sticky ink base, possibly using a DDT-type sprayer and hazmat set-up of tarps last seen on the TV show Dexter during disembowelment. Wish him luck! The end result will be on sale Sunday. He's also working on some other artist prints which he plans to sell online.

Finally, last weekend's Silverlake Jubilee street fair was something of a wash. The patrons seemed most interested in the traffic jam of amuse bouche fusion trucks lining the street. These upscale "roach coaches" are a craze in L.A. at the moment, with people monitoring Twitter feeds to discover transient locations to line up for Kimchee sliders. If we had had a bookmobile and some vegan stroopwafels, we might've been in business. During our downtime though, Ted Stearn, fellow Mome employee currently among those carrying the serial burden, drew this funny version of Wally, no longer "waiting for a flood."

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Clowes, Wilson, and Drama

The most obvious antecedent to the episodic structure of Wilson is the daily comic strip and its familiar "a few panels of setup followed by a panel with a punch line" format. But another influence, one that can account for some of what makes Wilson so strange, is the theater. here to read the rest of this post...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wally Gropius now in stock at Fantagraphics Books and Amazon, in comic shops next week, sources confirm... Short graphic novel futures... Buy ink shares... Sell fumetti at one and a quarter... Disney/Marvel announce Howard the Donald... Brokers broker... Freddie Mac floats art comics imprint... Wall Street empty as investors sift back issue bins... Copy of "Mome" sells at auction for 45 mil... Tim Hensley "relieved," processes ad groups in cubicle...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

NSFW here to read the rest of this post...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Lady Pugaga

Check out this new t-shirt design by Lisa Hanawalt (I Want You). If you like it click here. Available tomorrow Saturday, May 8 for 24 hours and then gone... oh well, tough luck. Only $9!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

35 short 'essays' on comics

The Blog Flume has been on the web for 30 months. In that time, I've posted around 35 short illustrated 'essays' (a few of these were initially written for other publications). I tend not to write reviews (though I have done a few); often, I find some aspect of a comic that seems interesting to me and try to develop my ideas about it in a way that will (hopefully) make these observations interesting to others. The methods I use and the issues I explore vary, but I would call an approach I often use 'visual close reading': I focus on details -- and often on formal aspects -- that lead me to ideas about the artist's aesthetic practices and perhaps to observations about cartooning as a whole. here to read the rest of this post...