Monday, December 31, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

"Slow Comics" Movement

To join you have a take a Grover Norquist type pledge to draw not more than one page of comics per month. At that rate I'm probably out too.
Because "The world don't move to the beat of just one drum."
Speaking of which, the Diamond distribution monolith will not be carrying Ticket Stub, so if you are interested in obtaining a copy you will have to take a more proactive approach, either by ordering it from the Yam Books website or through one of these fine establishments, with likely a few more to come:

Family, Los Angeles, CA
Secret Headquarters, Los Angeles, CA
Mission Comics, San Francisco, CA
Quimby's, Chicago, IL
Comix Revolution, Evanston, IL
Atomic Books, Baltimore, MD
Big Brain Comics, Minneapolis, MN
Desert Island, Brooklyn, NY
Forbidden Planet, New York, NY
Jim Hanley's, New York, NY
Reading Frenzy, Portland, OR
Floating World, Portland, OR
Copacetic Comics, Pittsburgh, PA

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Charles Burns's The Hive, Romance Comics, History, The Kiss, The All-Black Panel, Etc . . .

My 13th
GRID column will be up at
The Comics Journal on
Monday, November 26 at
8am EST.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Stubs, Post-Its, Pogs...

Since I don't have much of a cell phone--you know I'm having problems if I'm walking the streets looking for a phone booth to check the Yellow Pages for an address--I don't have photos or a con haul from BCGF.
Rina Ayuyang has a recap soundly squared away here. Hopefully all those luminaries won't be disappointed when they actually read my book. I look horrible in the pictures.
Thank you to the organizers of BCGF for considering me a guest and to all the folks who stopped by the Yam Books table to say hello. Thanks to Lark and Robyn for congeniality.
I was surprised to meet so many non-cartoonists who had read my book and liked it. One fellow told me he found it in a public library in the children's section--whoops.
The panel I was on was more crowded than I expected, but I felt it went okay. I afterward read a blog post that said I was inarticulate. I felt bad for Anouk Ricard who was thinking fluent French and speaking limited English. (Check out this clip of her characters on YouTube; it is cool.) Tom Spurgeon did a great job of trying to keep the nebulous topic balanced.
Tuesday I was back at my cubicle at work trying to stay awake.
Biggest thank you goes to Rina for publishing Ticket Stub and holding down the tables for the "transcontinental tour." I hope Yam's future is bright and also that she gets back to drawing comics! I likely won't be traveling like this again for a while.
Next up is the Giant Robot annual Post-It show, washed out scan above.
Still drawing laborious comics too...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Daniel Clowes Bibliography Updated

After too long, I have updated the Dan Clowes bibliography:

If anything is missing,
please let me know at
kparille --  follow this with the
at sign  -- then add
hotmail  -- then add the 
.com.  Or put it in a comment below . . .

Saturday, October 6, 2012

A Salute to Game Show Podiums

Announcing the "Transcontinental Tour" to mark the release of my new (old) book Ticket Stub. 
On October 13 and 14, cartoonist/publisher Rina Ayuyang and I will be at the Alternative Press Expo in San Francisco.
Then on November 10, we're at the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival. I should also have two new pages in the next issue of Smoke Signal there.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

New "Formalist" Close Reading up at The Comics Journal

Grid at TCJ: Construction Manual * John Hankiewicz’s “The Kimball House.”

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cover From Another Brother

I inexplicably got asked to do a DVD cover--was it last year?--but after watching the movie I thought, "Why me? My artwork doesn't seem to match the tone of this film at all." But I turned it in,  and inevitably the idea became to divide up my drawings and put them somewhere in the booklet instead. My vanity was hackled, so here it lies in the storage locker:
This version more matched the color scheme of the opening credits. I liked the idea of the father's job being to show his kids a film of when he drugged them.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Coming Soon

Published by Yam Books

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Daniel Clowes in New York Times

The Times has a cover feature on the cartoonist in the April 1 Arts & Leisure section:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

I'm sure that you all have been checking out everyday, looking at the Clowes oddities and entering the contest to win a copy of The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist signed by Mr. Clowes. Here's another oddity, an OK Soda "cold vault static cling" from 1994. These were used in the large coolers that hold soda in convenience stores. I drank some OK back in the '90s.

Monday, March 19, 2012

14 Days of Clowes Oddities; and Win a Free Signed Book

It's happening at and boingboing!

Here are some other Clowes odditities: an Eightball button from 1991, and OK Soda shoe-laces from 1994. The packing on the laces features a redrawn version of a panel from Clowes's Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron; this may be the smallest Clowes 'panel' ever printed.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

New Grid: Are SuperHeroes Really Super Sexy?

My new column will be up at The Comics Journal very soon.

It's on a subject the internet loves: superhero outfits and sexism.

It seemed like time for TCJ to weight in.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Coming Soon

See here for a preview of The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist, which will be released on April 1.

"Created with full access to the cartoonist’s archives, The Art of Daniel Clowes collects for the first time Clowes’s best-known and seldom-seen illustrations, personal photos and memorabilia, behind-the-scenes drawings and sketchbook pages, along with unpublished comics and original art. The 224-page full-color hardcover also features:

an introduction by George Meyer (The Simpsons)
a career-spanning interview by Kristine McKenna (Talk to Her)

and the following essays:

Book designer Chip Kidd on Clowes and design
Art critic Susan Miller on Wilson and portraiture
Writer Ken Parille on Clowes’s post-Y2K graphic novels
Film critic Ray Pride on David Boring and film
Cartoonist Chris Ware on why other cartoonists fear Clowes"

Edited by Alvin Buenaventura
Designed by Jonathan Bennett
Co-Edited by Ken Parille

Published by Abrams ComicArts

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Grid

My new column is up at The Comics Journal .
It's kind of a "2011: Year in Comics" review essay.