Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A Glamorous Life

Dave Sim and his fans and critics are going yet another round over the Cerebus creator’s attitudes towards women. I find it hard to get worked up over this issue -- Sim seems to be fairly isolated and so the only person likely harmed by his ideas is himself. Yet what does agitate me about his work is here to read the rest of this post...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Volume 2

This October, Yale University Press will release the second volume of Ivan Brunetti's An Anthology of Graphic Fiction, Cartoons, and True Stories. From Yale: "The book presents contemporary art comics produced by 75 artists, along with some classic comic strips and other related fine art and historical materials. Brunetti arranges the book to reflect the creative process itself, connecting stories and art to each other in surprising ways: nonlinear, elliptical, sometimes whimsical, even poetic. He emphasizes continuity from piece to piece, weaving themes and motifs throughout the volume." The front and back cover feature art by Daniel Clowes, who provides three new strips for the dustjacket flaps. Here's a short interview comic by Brunetti about the book:

{Both images are from the listing for the book}

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Guitar Not Comics

This is the cover for a revised version of an instructional book I wrote that has just been re-released. I didn't come up with the title and the picture is not of me . . .

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Shamrock En Espanol

Recently I received out of the blue a copy of a Spanish edition of Mome in the mail, published by La Cupula. While I can only be awed and bewildered by the seemingly thankless effort involved in translating my work, I can also see how it must have proven difficult. In panel two, 'This be a sham reel" has become, near as I can tell, "This dance is pure theater." Also, "Stamps: They Can't Be Licked" has become, I think, "Stamps: Without Rival." here to read the rest of this post...

(Trapped Inside) The Magic

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Clowes New Yorker Cover

The May 12th issue of the New Yorker features Dan Clowes art on the cover(s)!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Wizard Top 200

Dan Clowes's Enid Coleslaw, Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan, and Jaime Hernandez's Maggie and Hopey appear on the "Top 200 Greatest Characters of All Time!" list in the current issue of esteemed industry news and investment advice periodical Wizard. An interesting and surprising piece is the sidebar "Who's Sadder: Jimmy Corrigan or Earth-2 Aqualad?" Spoiler alert: Number 1 is here to read the rest of this post...

Comics: Art versus Action

Do you like fight scenes? I do, and Ted May's Injury Comics 2 has some of my favorites. here to read the rest of this post...