Monday, February 25, 2008

From Abstract to Archie

Abstract art is a frequent source of laffs in teen comics of the '60s and early '70s. And the distance from abstract to cartoon is sometimes just a few well-placed lines . . .

Friday, February 22, 2008

Do You "Qualify for the Giggling Academy?"

When I bought the new Lost Teen Titans Annual recently, I expected (based on the hype) a "wacky" '60s-style comic. No such luck. Yet this week I picked up a comic that's entertaining in the way I had hoped the Titans book would have been.

He's not behind bars, just closing a tiger cage - but the staging of the scene is likely intended to add a little pathos to his words, for Tiger Girl prefers the more physically streamlined goverment agent, Ed Savage.

There can be something compelling about a comic when it's not really clear what the author is going for (is it serious; is it a parody?). Siegel relies excessively on expository dialogue, and I can’t tell if he’s doing so to mock others’ use of this device (it's rampant in comics of the era), or simply as a way to get information across.

What makes the issue most entertaining to me is the writing - the silly phrases that populate the story:

I can’t pinpoint why, but "he gloats prematurely" sounds funny, and it's an awkwardly formally thing to say as you are about to be crushed by a giant cat statue's severed head. More of the same:

[above] "I return the towering stumble-bum to you . . ."

It's the insertion of "unerringly" that I like . . .

Maybe if the comic had been drawn in the more serious, muscular style of 60’s Marvel superheroes, these things might be less humorous (and is Wolf Hound about to fall over, above?). But Jack Sparling’s art is scratchy and energetic - and even when the villains are bulky, there’s something clownish about them, and in Wolf Hound's case, his ears change position as his emotions change, making him look even sillier:

[When he's telling the Men of I.N.F.A.M.Y. about his powers in the panel above, his ears are down.]

And speaking of clowns, one of the good guys is a Ditko-esque circus performer named "Laughing Boy":

Are we supposed to think that the guy who just got his brains bashed in is asking the question, as a way to let young readers know that he is ok, that his head is not a bloody mass? It's not clear, because there are others in the scene who could be speaking. The over-the-top, gleeful violence of this sequence is out of place in a way, but that's part of why it works.

These are the kinds of things I was hoping for in the Teen Titans Annual - silly jokes, "wacky" word play, etc - but it just fell flat . . . and plot-wise, the annual was convoluted; things didn't seem to make sense, and not in a good way. At times, its ambitiousness worked against it.

Tiger Girl 1 offers up some of the gestures towards feminism found in late '60s superhero and romance comics, but it seems confused about this, and backtracks pretty quickly:

This comic is the most interesting writing I have seen from Siegel, but unfortunately, there was no Tiger Girl 2. here to read the rest of this post...

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Crickets #2

Although Sammy Harkham ’s Crickets #2 continues the serial Black Death begun in #1, the issue marks a radical departure in his approach to the title, signaled most visibly by the stunning cover, in which bold colors run into and around drawings of the comic’s many characters. here to read the rest of this post...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thirst: Aerial Gallery by Ivan Brunetti

The Aerial Gallery consists of fifty serialized artworks printed onto banners along Las Vegas Boulevard, running from the Arts District to City Hall. The exhibit will be on display from February 28, 2008 to February 2009. here to read the rest of this post...

Friday, February 1, 2008