Monday, December 31, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

"Slow Comics" Movement

To join you have a take a Grover Norquist type pledge to draw not more than one page of comics per month. At that rate I'm probably out too.
Because "The world don't move to the beat of just one drum."
Speaking of which, the Diamond distribution monolith will not be carrying Ticket Stub, so if you are interested in obtaining a copy you will have to take a more proactive approach, either by ordering it from the Yam Books website or through one of these fine establishments, with likely a few more to come:

Family, Los Angeles, CA
Secret Headquarters, Los Angeles, CA
Mission Comics, San Francisco, CA
Quimby's, Chicago, IL
Comix Revolution, Evanston, IL
Atomic Books, Baltimore, MD
Big Brain Comics, Minneapolis, MN
Desert Island, Brooklyn, NY
Forbidden Planet, New York, NY
Jim Hanley's, New York, NY
Reading Frenzy, Portland, OR
Floating World, Portland, OR
Copacetic Comics, Pittsburgh, PA