Saturday, October 23, 2010

X'ed Out: Review Notes

[From Hergé: The Calculus Affair]

[From Charles Burns: X’ed Out]

Earlier this month, I sent in my first piece for The Comics Journal, a review of Charles Burns’s X’ed Out. [Note: it's now up at the Journal's website.] When The Journal was only a print publication, reviewers knew that readers, who had to go out of their way to purchase the magazine (in dank ‘n dirty “specialty shops”), would likely be knowledgeable about comics. But because the journal is now online, anyone interested in reading a review of X’ed Out might find mine through google. So past assumptions about who might be reading and what “the general reader” would know, for me at least, are no longer valid. here to read the rest of this post...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Missing - APE 2010

Two copies of a large, expensive book (see picture) were stolen from our booth this past Sunday at APE. We know that they were taken from us, Pigeon Press booth #120 (see map below), sometime between 10:00-11:00 am on the morning of October 17. We’re putting this out there in the hope that someone might have seen them being taken from behind our unattended booth or being carried away that morning. If you were an exhibitor in that area of the San Francisco Concourse, please let us know if you noticed anything or might have taken any pictures in that area during that time period. It's unfortunate that this happened and we'd really like to get the books back. If you have any information or might have seen these books this weekend please let us know.

-Pigeon Press

Books missing from Booth #120 shown in red. please let us know if you might have noticed anything that morning between 10:30-11:00 especially if you were an exhibitor in the green area shown.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Boy's Club #4 & I Want You #2...

...available at APE this weekend, order direct from [Nov 2010], or ask your local comics retailer to carry them.