Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Rumbling

"Chapter Two" of Kevin H.'s Rumbling is now available. Some sample pages:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ditko and "Word v. Picture"

In The World of Steve Ditko, Blake Bell recounts a story about the editing of Ditko’s Static, which appeared in the first three issues of Eclipse Monthly in 1983. Dean Mullaney altered Ditko’s script for the episode in #2 because he felt it was “too wordy, and visually unappealing.” (Bell agrees with Mullaney’s assessment, noting that Ditko’s debt to Ayn Rand “continued to have an impact on the quality of the storytelling” (145).) Ditko rejected the changes, and the story ran as he intended. here to read the rest of this post...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Charles Burns: Soto Pelle

So there's a massive exhibition of Charles Burns' work, Soto Pelle, in Italy right now hosted by the BilBOlbul international comics festival. "The exposition will show more than 100 works, among comic tables from Black Hole, sketches and illustrations realized for magazines and books during the last thirty years."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Old 'Hit on the Head' Routine

Four comics I read this week featured the same classic gag . . . here to read the rest of this post...

Toth Cover

I had never seen this attractive Alex Toth cover before; much more of an 'underground' feel than the other work by him I'm familiar with. [Click on the image to enlarge it.]

Friday, March 13, 2009

Marc Trujillo: Drive Through

New Marc Trujillo gallery show Drive Through, MARCH 12 - MAY 01, 2009 at the Hackett-Freedman Gallery in San Francisco, CA.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Seven Faces of Alex Niño

See a 'new and improved' version here: