Sunday, April 20, 2008


These were mentioned on many blogs when they first appeared, but you shouldn't forget about:

Leon Beyond: new strips by Ted May, Kevin H., and Dan Z. are here.

Jordan W. Lint: Part 2 of Chris Ware's serial is in the latest VQR. It's a comic-friendly issue, with a cover by Art Spiegelman, a comic by Ross MacDonald, and an essay on cartoonist Rory Hayes by his brother, Geoffrey.


An attractive Ditko page from Marvel Spotlight #9, 1980.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Room 26 Cabinet of Curiosities

Take a look through the Room 26 Cabinet of Curiosities, a great blog best explained in their own words:

Room 26 Cabinet of Curiosities features new acquisitions, unique documents, and visual and textual curiosities from the collections of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. This ongoing exhibition is curated by Tim Young, Associate Curator of the Modern Books and Manuscripts Collection, and Nancy Kuhl, Associate Curator of the Yale Collection of American Literature.

Among the interesting work they feature you'll find: The Real adventures of Tintin, and this fun and beautiful piece of ephemera: The Test Flight of Sky Robin.

Wow, there is just too many incredible things shared at that site.
Click below to see a random sampling of stuff you will find in the archives. here to read the rest of this post...

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tomine's Scene

Had it been widely available, Adrian Tomine’s 2007 mini comic Scenes from an Impending Marriage likely would have made its way onto many best-of lists. here to read the rest of this post...