Monday, June 5, 2023


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Mail Bag

Over the past few months I have received some great comics in the mail, here clumsily captured via phone on my breakfast table:

This is Roman Muradov's latest book for Dargaud: Tous Les Vivants. This is his third book for them, and it's baffling to me why they haven't all been published in English. This story is a very ethereal and downbeat look at what might comprise the afterlife. Beautiful subtle and muted artwork.

Also included was a limited edition Risograph mini. This was a funny tale capturing the madness of having an unbearable song stuck in your head.

Andrés Magán sent me the French version of his latest all-ages book, Les Aventures de Passer P. Malta. It has also been published in Spanish. It's a fun "comic within a comic within a comic" tale containing precise drawings of anthropomorphic citizens.
He tells me he also has an English book forthcoming from Entropy Editions this year.

Andrés also enclosed a risograph mini by Begoña García-Alén that appears to be about a lengthy conversation between insects. 6 tendrils up!
Begoña and Andrés were interviewed together in Bubbles #14.

Speaking of Bubbles, Evan Salazar, who interviewed me in issue #11, sent me a compelling mini telling a tale of the old west.
How am I ever going to keep up with all these fine folks now that I've already sent them my own book? As the saying goes, you get what you give, so back to the drawing board...

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Final 2022 Detention No. 2 Links

Original Cover Painting

Detention No. 2 appears on a few of TCJ's Best of 2022 lists:

As great a review as anyone could hope for in The Comics Journal by Joe McCulloch:

2 bad reviews, where you can almost feel the reviewer’s frustration their compulsive review quota is going to be momentarily delayed by a release that doesn’t make any sense:

Video of the Zoom book launch in conversation with Kayla E.:

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Sir Alfred No. 3 In Shops (Again) Today

Monday, October 31, 2022

Collages for Floating World

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Detention No. 2 Trailer by Roman Muradov and Dory Bavarsky

Roman Muradov and Dory Bavarsky have created a swell trailer for Detention No. 2, my new comic book that has just been released.

Detention No. 2 In Shops Today

Well, to be fair, I only saw one copy in one shop.

I will be Zooming with the great Kayla E. on November 2nd at 3:00 p.m. PT, an event hosted by Floating World Comics on Fantagraphics' Facebook Live Page, to talk about it.


Library Passes (circa 1981)

Friday, September 23, 2022

Preorder Trading Cards

Preorders from Stuart Ng Books in Torrance of my comic books Detention No. 2 and Sir Alfred No. 3 will include an impromptu ink and wash sketch on a trading card (Bubble gum not included).

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Some poor to fair reviews from 2018. 

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Esprit de Corpse Flower

My new comic book Detention No. 2 is now available for preorder 

Monday, August 23, 2021

Shaggs Comic, Circa 1990s

Urban Folklore, Circa 1990s

Monday, May 11, 2020

(R.I.P. Richard Sala)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

(Flann O'Brien)